About my posts...

I hope that you find my posts interesting and relevant. I also hope that find some of them motivational,  while others offer enjoying fresh perspectives, hopefully opening up new possibilities  for you in your career, job or business, as you see your world in a different light.

Yet some other posts are simply about things that I found interesting and choose to share, including stories from my life and experiences.

Many of the ideas presented are my own. Others are based upon, or adapted from, the work of others to make them relevant to the issues that I address.

I hope that you enjoy them. If you do, please don’t forget to subscribe to be kept up to date with my latest posts and other information from my site.

Leigh D Wilson

Are you suffering from high-functioning anxiety?

Are you suffering from high-functioning anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety is an intriguing but often hidden phenomenon. Even though not officially labelled in psychology, it’s a commonly used term that refers to people who deal with anxiety yet continue to perform well in their lives. They excel in their careers, relationships, and personal goals, but under this surface of accomplishment, there’s a constant worry that can’t be ignored.

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Why early childhood can be a critical period in our emotional development

Why early childhood can be a critical period in our emotional development

Understanding why we often find ourselves trapped in challenging circumstances and relationships it is helpful to consider our early brain development.

In the first few years of our existence, we undergo what is referred to as the “sensitive phase” of brain growth, during what is called the ‘Imprint Period’, when everything we are told by our caregivers is assumed to be unquestionably true

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You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop

You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop

This thought-provoking quote skilfully asks us to rethink our place in the world and our connection to everything else in it.

Maybe you sometimes feel like a tiny dot in a ginormous, bustling world – a mere drop in a limitless ocean. But, through these wise words, Rumi is gentle suggesting that each one of us carries the enormity, the complexity, and the beauty of the ocean within ourselves.

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Why successful people sometimes suffer from self-doubt - Part 2

Why successful people sometimes suffer from self-doubt – Part 2

Career progression is often seen as a linear path to increased confidence and authority. However, as one climbs the corporate ladder, it can paradoxically lead to an increase in self-doubt. This phenomenon, while seemingly counterintuitive, can be understood by examining the changing dynamics and responsibilities that come with career advancement.

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What you resist, persists

What you resist, persists

This phrase is spot-on when talking about those troublesome negative emotions we all experience from time-to-time. You know, the ones like self-doubt, fear, anger, sadness, or anxiety that you’d rather ignore than deal with. But here’s the thing – the more you try to avoid them, the louder they yell.

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