How self-doubt and impostor syndrome can affect your daily life

How self-doubt and impostor syndrome can affect your daily life

Ever wonder how self-doubt and impostor syndrome might be shaping your day-to-day experiences? Many of us struggle with these feelings without realizing the far-reaching impacts they can have. Here’s a snapshot of how they could play out in daily life.


Self-doubt is that nagging, intrusive thought that tells you, “I can’t do it.” It’s the voice that questions your abilities, undercuts your confidence, and undermines your achievements. Self-doubt often goes unnoticed as it sneaks into your thoughts and impacts your decision-making, behaviour, and overall outlook.

Imagine this: You’re eyeing a promotion at work. You’ve been performing well and getting positive feedback. However, self-doubt sneaks in and whispers: “Maybe they’re just being nice?” It seeds uncertainty, clouding your perspective on your own competency. As a result, you might hesitate to put yourself forward for the promotion. And so, self-doubt subtly steers your actions and potentially derails opportunities for growth.

Meanwhile, impostor syndrome is the unsettling belief that you’re a fraud, possibly about to be found out at any moment. Despite concrete evidence of competence, those experiencing impostor syndrome remain convinced they’ve somehow fooled others into overestimating their abilities.

Returning to our work scenario. Even if you overcome self-doubt and win the promotion, impostor syndrome might step in. You might feel like an actor playing a part, dreading the moment someone ‘discovers’ your ‘true’ capabilities. This can generate unnecessary stress and pressure, affecting not just your work, but also spilling over into personal life.

Unfortunately, self-doubt and impostor syndrome are not fleeting emotions; they are long-term, relentless companions that feed off one another. They erode self-confidence, fuel anxiety, and can even lead to depression. The costs can be very high.

But they can be managed. Awareness is the first step towards doing so. Identifying these patterns is key to disrupting them. After all, they’re not reflecting your actual abilities, just your perception of them.

Counselling, coaching, and self-help resources can provide valuable tools for handling these feelings.

In a nutshell, self-doubt and impostor syndrome can significantly influence your daily life, shaping your thoughts, decisions, and feelings. Recognizing their presence can start you on the path to reclaiming confidence and power over your own story.

As a very experienced Executive Mindset Coach, I have unique methods of helping people quickly letting go of inner struggles such as self-doubt and feeling like a fraud. If this is a problem for you, let’s chat so I explain how I can help you.

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