About my posts...

I hope that you find my posts interesting and relevant. I also hope that find some of them motivational,  while others offer enjoying fresh perspectives, hopefully opening up new possibilities  for you in your career, job or business, as you see your world in a different light.

Yet some other posts are simply about things that I found interesting and choose to share, including stories from my life and experiences.

Many of the ideas presented are my own. Others are based upon, or adapted from, the work of others to make them relevant to the issues that I address.

I hope that you enjoy them. If you do, please don’t forget to subscribe to be kept up to date with my latest posts and other information from my site.

Leigh D Wilson

Why your brain needs more downtime

Why your brain needs more downtime

We all know that our bodies need rest, but did you know that your brain also craves downtime? That’s right! Taking a break and allowing your mind to relax can have tremendous benefits. Here’s why.

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Why success is not the key to happiness

Why success is not the key to happiness

Extensive research into the study of happiness has brought forward intriguing insights over recent years. The findings are quite astonishing – the true essence of happiness doesn’t lie in big, life-changing events, but in small, regular moments of joy.

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So, what is the unconscious mind, anyway?

So, what is the unconscious mind, anyway?

Imagine your mind as an iceberg, with the majority hidden beneath the surface of your conscious awareness. This submerged portion is your unconscious mind, a storehouse for feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories outside your conscious grasp.

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Are you using the right type of motivation?

Are you using the right type of motivation?

Right type of motivation? Maybe you hadn’t thought about it before but there are basically two types of motivation that you choose between when you are trying to achieve a goal: ‘toward motivation’ and ‘away-from motivation’. These underpin your actions, guide your decisions, and sculpt your aspirations, each in unique ways.

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Why don't zebras get ulcers?

Why don’t zebras get ulcers?

Professor Robert Sapolsky posed this intriguing question to challenge our understanding of stress and its impact on health. This quote comes from his renowned book that explores the world of biological stress responses and their implications on our lives.

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Does mindfulness help with stress and anxiety?

Does mindfulness help with stress and anxiety?

This is a question that I get asked from time to time and I would certainly agree that mindfulness can help with stress and anxiety. In fact, I believe mindfulness is a wonderful practice for everyone to introduce into their life for a range of reasons.

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