Today I’ve been thinking about how easy it is to withdraw or “contract” when you’re dealing with the stress of financial or other problems.
What do I mean by “contract”?
Well, if you’re facing serious financial challenges, for example, you will naturally be attempting to reduce your spending in every direction possible. You might also be feeling rather stressed and withdrawn as you mull over your issues.
For these reasons, you might find yourself reducing your social activities, your interactions with friends and the time spent on other enjoyable pastimes. You might find it difficult to dine out with friends, for example, simply because your budget no longer allows it. You might decide that going to the movies, a concert, the football or some other form entertainment doesn’t hold the same priority it once had.
Furthermore, you might be feeling a bit sad and low, and not much like hanging out with friends who are laughing and joking.
Now, clearly it can be a good idea to reduce your expenditure if your finances are worrying you. And, to a certain extent, it can be helpful to withdraw inwards as you go through a period of self-examination, looking at how you got into this position and searching for that best ways to deal with your problems.
On the other hand, make sure that you don’t overdo it. Your best ideas and thoughts will come to you when you are in an “up-state”, when you are feeling good about yourself and about the world in general, when you’re feeling powerful and able to achieve all that you wish. You will also find that you have more energy when you’re feeling more positive and expanding rather than contracting.
Your best ideas and thoughts will come to you when you are in an “up-state”, when you are feeling good about yourself.
It might help to remember that our interpretations of our personal universe and all that happens within it can be very much influenced by our emotional state.
So, set aside some time each day to enjoy some activity that will help you expand and open you up to new ideas and thoughts, to positive uplifting experiences and emotions that will help you soar over your current challenges.
It will be fun and it will be taking you in the right direction.