Why thinking makes you tired

Why thinking makes you tired

Ever felt worn out after a day of intense thinking? It turns out there’s a scientific explanation for this sensation, and it’s not merely a figment of your imagination. Researchers in Paris have delved into why hard mental labour leaves us feeling drained.


Their study reveals that extended intense cognitive work leads to a buildup of a substance called glutamate in a specific area of the brain known as the prefrontal cortex. This accumulation affects our control over decision-making, pushing us towards easier, low-effort actions.

Unlike previous theories that considered mental fatigue an illusion, these findings demonstrate that cognitive work leads to real physical changes in the brain. It’s not merely a signal to stop working; it’s a protective measure to preserve the proper functioning of the brain.

To uncover these insights, the researchers monitored the brain chemistry of two groups of individuals using advanced technology. They found clear signs of fatigue only in the group engaged in hard mental labour. Those in this group exhibited higher levels of glutamate, which impacted their ability to make complex decisions.

So, what’s the remedy for mental exhaustion? According to the lead scientist, Mathias Pessiglione, it’s as simple as rest and sleep. Sleep aids in the elimination of glutamate from the brain, helping to rejuvenate your cognitive abilities.

These findings don’t just shed light on a common experience; they also open the door to practical applications. Monitoring these changes could help manage workloads to prevent burnout and might even have implications in health conditions like depression or cancer.

The next time you find yourself mentally taxed, remember that taking a break isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a necessary step to ensure that your brain continues to function at its best.

I am a mindset expert, so if you are troubled by this, let’s have a friendly chat about how I can help you.


This is a summary of the article “Why Thinking Hard Makes You Tired” featured in Neuroscience and published by Cell Press on August 11, 2022:


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