Why do successful people sometimes suffer from self-doubt?

Why do successful people sometimes suffer from self-doubt ?

What is the basis of this apparent paradox?

Firstly, it’s important to understand that self-doubt doesn’t discriminate based on achievements or status: it can affect successful people as much as it can affect those who are struggling.


Those of us who have attained significant success are often continually push their boundaries as they venture into unexplored territories, and perhaps challenge the status quo. This relentless pursuit of excellence, while exhilarating, can also create feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt.

Secondly, with success comes increased visibility and scrutiny. Every decision, every action can be observed and often judged, especially in our hyper-connected world of social media. This heightened scrutiny and the fear of public failure can amplify feelings of self-doubt.

Furthermore, success is not a static destination; it’s an ongoing journey. High achievers often set new, more ambitious goals for themselves, continually moving the finish line. This constant striving can lead to a sense of never quite ‘arriving’, which can fuel self-doubt and even lead to impostor syndrome, a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a ‘fraud’.

Importantly, the drive to succeed can sometimes stem from deeply ingrained beliefs formed during childhood. Unconscious limiting beliefs, such as the need to be perfect to be valued or the fear of not being good enough, can create a perpetual need to prove oneself, even in the face of clear success. This psychological dynamic can further exacerbate feelings of self-doubt.

Lastly, successful individuals understand that failure is an inherent part of the journey to success. The knowledge that each new venture carries the risk of failure can create self-doubt. However, the plus-side of this is that it can also serve as a reality check, helping them weigh up risks more effectively and driving them to work harder and smarter.

So, self-doubt among successful individuals is not a sign of weakness but a reflection of their continuous pursuit of excellence and their complex psychological dynamics. It’s a reminder that success is not just about achieving goals, but also about personal growth, learning, and overcoming internal barriers. So, if you find yourself doubting your abilities, remember that even the most successful individuals have been in your shoes. Use it as a catalyst for growth, not a barrier to your success.

If self-doubt is a problem that you are struggling with, maybe we should have a chat as this is something that I can probably help you overcome very quickly.

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