About my posts...

I hope that you find my posts interesting and relevant. I also hope that find some of them motivational,  while others offer enjoying fresh perspectives, hopefully opening up new possibilities  for you in your career, job or business, as you see your world in a different light.

Yet some other posts are simply about things that I found interesting and choose to share, including stories from my life and experiences.

Many of the ideas presented are my own. Others are based upon, or adapted from, the work of others to make them relevant to the issues that I address.

I hope that you enjoy them. If you do, please don’t forget to subscribe to be kept up to date with my latest posts and other information from my site.

Leigh D Wilson

I am such a loser

I am such a loser!

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. While there is no specific diet that can cure anxiety, certain foods can make it worse. Here are some foods that you should avoid if you’re suffering from anxiety:

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Why engineers need to keep a close eye on their mental health

Why engineers need to keep a close eye on their mental health

Engineering can be an incredibly rewarding field, but it can also be a high-stress one. Engineers are often tasked with solving complex problems under tight deadlines, and the pressure to succeed can take a toll on mental health. In fact, research shows that engineers are at higher risk for mental health issues than many other professions.

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How to start accepting yourself, fully

How to start accepting yourself, fully

Are you one of those people who struggle to fully accept yourself? Do you find it hard to embrace all the good things about you along with your natural flaws and weaknesses? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience this, and it’s totally normal to feel that way. But the good news is, there are ways to overcome this and learn to love yourself for who you truly are.

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You deserve your love and affection

You deserve your love and affection

How many of us are willing to give our love to others but reluctant to give it to ourselves? Yet, unless we love ourselves unconditionally, we are not whole and are limited in the love that we can give others.

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The problem that we have often isn’t the problem we think we have

Overcoming Financial Stress: The problem that we have often isn’t the problem that we think we have

Ongoing financial stress can take a real toll on us. It can sap our energy, our self-confidence and our emotional resilience.

I am certainly familiar with all those feelings and emotions as I had to deal with them all at one stage in my life when I was facing near bankruptcy due to defaults on payments from my most significant client at the time. I describe the lessons I learned in working my way through those challenges in my book “Overcoming Financial Stress: How to Conquer Your Financial Fears and Create a Better Future” so as to help others facing the same challenges

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Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm

Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm

Winston Churchill, the iconic British statesman, is widely regarded as one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century. Known for his inspiring speeches and unrelenting determination, Churchill overcame countless setbacks and failures in his life. One of his most famous quotes, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm,” perfectly encapsulates his attitude towards failure and perseverance.

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