If you have read my posts or watched my videos over any length of time, you’ll see that I often talk about the way in which most of us are held back in some way by limiting beliefs that were taken on-board in our early childhood.
In most cases, these limiting beliefs are unconscious, or we would have re-examined them and possibly changed them as we have grown older.
They often arise when a child is placed in a difficult situation and is trying to devise a way of dealing with it.
You might have heard me talk of the young boy who was trapped beneath an old wagon wheel on a farm, and, because no one came to rescue him, he decided that could never rely on other people. As a result, he became a bit of a loner and had trouble forming relationships later in life.
Or you might have heard me talk of the man that was fearful of water any deeper than his knees that we eventually traced back to being due to stories his mother had told him as a very young child to stop him venturing near a big river that flowed near their house.
So, in each of these cases, it was not that there was anything wrong with the child’s upbringing. It was simply that the child was trying to make sense of the situation and come up with a solution.
Of course, a child’s mind is not fully developed and so the solutions that a child might come up with could be very different from the solutions he or she would come up with as an adult. And, because the child’s mind is not fully formed, these messages often get trapped in the unconscious.
The limiting beliefs can also be formed when a child simply misinterprets something that is said by an adult giving it far more significance than it deserves.
Uncovering and letting go of unconscious limitations such as these is something that I specialise in with my unique methods helping my clients have wonderful breakthroughs so that they can move forward in life, unhindered by the limiting beliefs and emotions that have held them back for so long.
If you feel that you are being held back in some way, DM me or send me a message so that we can have a friendly chat about your problems and work out what can be done about them.
#selfdoubt #imposter #anxiety #stress #worry #overwhelm #fear #procrastination #selfesteem #selfconfidence #emptiness #loneliness #failure #sadness #guilt #selftalk #burnout